Sunday, October 19, 2008

OMG Microwavable Flax Bread!

I make a microwaved bread from flax

1 ounce of melted butter
2 medium eggs
4 tablespoons of flax
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder.

Mix together and put in the microwave and nuke for 3 minutes.

I havent tried the bake mixes so dont know how like real bread they are but I find this makes a fairly closetextured bread that tastes to me like wholemeal bread.

On another board a member suggested you could add parmesan and some herbs to make a savoury loaf but I havent tried it yet.

Totally induction legal for Atkins

About 570 cals for the whole recipe - I get 8 slices out of it
Other info - whole recipe has
Total fat 48 gms
Carbs 18gms (including 15 gms fibre) - so only 3 net carbs


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